Our Week in Photos (25th – 31st July 2016) | Mummy Mimi


I have just returned to work after two weeks off on annual leave so I thought I would share what we got up to during my second week off. (The boys were at work/nursery on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.)


I think the photo sums up my Monday…img_4482

A left his new bottle of aftershave on top of the bathroom cabinet and as he hadn’t put it far enough back it was sitting on the doors. So when I went into get dental floss it fell and smashed the sink.

This combined with a dentist appointment and getting completely drenched in the rain rescuing some washing meant Monday wasn’t a particularly great day!

One good thing however was that my Diet Chef Groupon package arrived. I have used the Diet Chef plan in the past and found it works well for me so when I seen this on Groupon I thought it was time to get back on track with getting in shape. If you want to see how I’m getting on check out my food diary page on Instagram



S had decided that getting up before 6am was a good idea! This is the same toddler who usually has to get dragged out of bed at 7.30am on nursery days to get ready! Since A had popped to the gym I got him to pick me up a large Costa Coffee from the garage on the way home which I teamed up with a fruit and oat cookie to start on my Diet Chef plan.


After a morning chilling out at home we then visited B&Q, Ikea and Homebase in search of a replacement sink, or rather to check out our options and a bit of homeware window shopping along the way!

We also picked up some handy storage boxes from Homebase for our living room unit to store S’ books in as they just end up pulled out and all over the place so this makes tiding them up at the end of the day easier. Plus the unit now looks neater and less cluttered.



A did the nursery run and I had time to make myself a delicious breakfast of Diet Chef pancakes, blueberries and MyProtein maple syrup with a Tassimo latte. It’s not often I get the chance to have a leisurely breakfast as usually we need to be somewhere or S is trying to pinch mine instead of eating his own (even if we have the same thing!)


In the afternoon I had the opportunity to use the residents lounge in Skene House Whitehall to have some time to myself and get caught up on some blog work.


I was also kindly shown around a couple of the apartments and the court yard. Skene House has 3 locations in Aberdeen consisting of over 180 apartments. The apartments I was shown were just like a home away from home.

One had 3 separate bedrooms, a lounge with a dinning area, family sized bathroom, shower room and a kitchen equipped with everything you could possibly need, including a dishwasher! There was also a laundry shed in the court yard with washers and dryers to cater for the apartments which didn’t have these in the kitchens.

I thought the set up was fab for families as it means you can put the kids to bed and still manage to relax in the lounge without having to hide in the dark which you end up doing in hotels so you don’t wake them.

After visiting Skene House I will definitely be looking at apartments and hotels in future trip searches!


As this was likely to be our last full day as a family for a while due to work commitments we decided to take a day trip to Dundee and visit Camperdown Wildlife Centre. S is currently obsessed with cats so of course the Scottish Wildcat was his favourite!


We also popped into the city centre for a walk around the shops and seen a couple of the Oor Wullies from the bucket trail in one of the shopping centres.

In the evening I caught up with some of the girls from my anti natal class over dinner at Zizzi’s in Union Sq.

I opted for the chicken risotto, which is one of their less than 600 calorie meals which meant it fitted perfectly within my calorie allowance! It was delicious and filling so I didn’t feel like I was missing out when others had dessert!



Earlier in the week I had decided to get my ears pierced again so had booked in for the Friday morning and A got the top on his right ear pierced. (Not the best photo but it’s hard to take a photo of it myself!)



After A headed to work for 2pm I had sometime to myself to do my nails, have a cuppa and catch up on some TV before heading to pick S up from nursery.



I had planned on taking S to the park in the morning but literally as soon as I opened the front door to head out it bucketed down with rain so we headed into town instead and had a look around the shops. I picked up a few bits for S from H&M. I don’t pop in there very often but they had a fab range of boys clothes.


Late afternoon the three of us headed to the beach for a walk, although it didn’t last long before S was in the buggy as he kept running in the opposite direction!


The day finished off with a family pizza night. S who is such a fussy eater and hadn’t eaten properly for the last few day ate up all his pizza, (before going back to being fussy on Sunday!)



Sunday started of with a trip to the local Co-op first thing as we had realised the milk had been finished the night before…. and I had stupidly said the M word which meant a mini meltdown from S!


We popped to a Busy Beasties Kids Craft and Activities Fair at Pittodrie late morning. We had a quick look around the stalls before getting a photo with Angus. S wasn’t keen on going down for a photo so I had to ask someone in the queue to take one for me.


There really wasn’t much else for us to see or do and as it was getting very warm inside we decided to head back outside. S enjoyed running around outside and posing for photos more than the event!


It was then time to head to Aldi and Iceland to go the food shop and I found a handy use for the mummy clip on my pram once the basket got to heavy to carry. (Note – if you need to hold onto the buggy with one hand at all times to prevent it tipping over!)


After A got home from work we headed out for a walk once again, this time along the riverside and Duthie Park. We ended up getting caught in the rain and sheltered in the Winter Gardens during the worst of it.


So that was part of my time off work, what have you been up to recently? Let me know below or over on Facebook!