Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Anna from Miss Media


Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Anna from Miss Media

Next up in our new blog series, Meet the Aberdeen City & Aberdeen Shire Blogger/Vlogger is Anna from Miss Media

Anna aka Miss Media


Tell us a little about you and your blog/channel: 

My blog mostly focused on current affairs and issues that affect people on a day to day basis. I started it as I am going into journalism and wanted a platform to allow me to share my own take on the goings on in the world. Also, writing is something I absolutely love so blogging is something that had appealed to me for a long time.

Where can we find you?

Facebook Page:

Twitter: @MissMediaBlog1

Aberdeen City & Shire Favourites

Thing about Aberdeen City & Shire: It’s coffee shops

Thing to do: Writing, reading and chilling in coffee shops

Place to Eat: Carluccios

Place to Shop: Paperchase

Any other favourites you want to mention? 

More about you

Other than Aberdeen City & Shire where would you most like to live?

Brussels or back to London

Where in the world is on the top of your dream list to visit?

One place would be Kabul (for my own journalistic reasons)

Favourite film or TV programme Films: 

Orange is the new black

Quick fire round

Tea or Coffee? Tea

Sweet or Savoury? Savoury

Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

Cat or Dog? Cat

Movies or TV Series? TV Series

Winter or Summer?Summer

Starter or Dessert? Starter

Laptop or Desktop? Laptop

Apple or Samsung? Apple

City Break or Beach Holiday? City Break

Your social media faves, who are you loving:

Favourite Blog: 

Favourite Youtube Channel: 

Favourite Instagram: 

Thanks to Annafor taking the time to complete our Aberdeen Blogger/Vlogger questionnaire, if you a blogger or blogger in Aberdeen City & Shire and would like to take part in our Meet the Blogger/Vlogger series drop me an email at for the questionnaire link 🙂

You can check out the Meet the Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger/Vlogger series here, with more to come!