Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Kimberly Hogg from Odd Hogg


Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Kimberly Hogg from OddHogg

Next up in our new blog series, Meet the Aberdeen City & Aberdeen Shire Blogger/Vlogger is Kimberly Hogg from OddHogg

Kimberly Hogg from OddHogg

Blog/Channel: and

Tell us a little about you and your blog/channel: OddHogg started in 2016 when my oldest son was 4 months old as a way to connect with the outside world a little while I navigated life with a baby. It has grown considerably since then, as has our family as we now have a second son to keep us on our toes.

I write about all sorts, covering topics from pregnancy and parenting to life with diabetes and recipes. I review products that we genuinely use as a family and try to offer advice and tips based on my own experiences.

Last year I started my YouTube channel so I could capture some of our moments as a family. At the moment I have a weekend vlog and another chatty video going live each week. I documented my pregnancy every fortnight on my channel in the hope that it will help others know what to expect.

I am very lucky that my little hobby has not only become my job, but that I have met some amazing people and made some great friends too.

Where can we find you?

Facebook Page:





Aberdeen City & Shire Favourites

Favourite thing about Aberdeen City & Shire: How close it is to both the sea and the countryside – everything we need is on our doorstep!

Thing to do: Take the kids to Duthie Park for a wander around the winter gardens and get a cake

Place to Eat: Cafe Andaluz

Place to Shop: I love the Tree House when I’m looking for gifts for friends

More about you

Other than Aberdeen City & Shire where would you most like to live? 

Edinburgh. I lived there when I was at university and loved it.

Where in the world is on the top of your dream list to visit?

Australia! I have been really lucky and been able to travel the world quite a bit, but I have yet to make it that far

What is your ideal holiday (with the kids):

Somewhere hot and in a villa. That way when the kids are in bed we’re not confined to a balcony! Somewhere with lots of activities near by to keep them entertained and with our own pool to splash around in – bliss

What is your ideal holiday (without the kids):

I love skiing and we haven’t been since we had kids as they’re just too young at the moment.

If you could order your favourite foods, what would be your ideal 3 course meal? 

I’m a but Italian fan, so probably beef carpaccio followed by something with pasta….. anything with pasta. And then a chocolate souffle

Favourite film or TV programme Films: 

We love watching Brooklyn 99 right now – but really I’m a sucker for anything lighthearted and funny.

Quick fire round

Tea or Coffee?  Tea

Sweet or Savoury? Sweet

Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

Cat or Dog? Dog

Movies or TV Series? TV Series

Winter or Summer? Summer

Starter or Dessert? Dessert

Laptop or Desktop? Laptop

Apple or Samsung? Apple

City Break or Beach Holiday? Beach Holiday

Your social media faves, who are you loving:

Favourite Blog: I always have a quick read of Run Jump Scrap when I have time

Favourite Youtube Channel: Charlotte Taylor

Favourite Instagram: Scandi Mummy

Thanks to Kimberly for taking the time to complete our Aberdeen Blogger/Vlogger questionnaire, if you a blogger or blogger in Aberdeen City & Shire and would like to take part in our Meet the Blogger/Vlogger series drop me an email at for the questionnaire link 🙂

You can check out the Meet the Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger/Vlogger series here, with more to come!