Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Linda-Jo from Mrs Madhouse


Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Linda-Jo from Mrs Madhouse

Next up in our new blog series, Meet the Aberdeen City & Aberdeen Shire Blogger/Vlogger is Linda-Jo from Mrs Madhouse

Linda-Jo aka Mrs Madhouse


Tell us a little about you and your blog/channel: 

I blog and vlog about our daily lives, lots of crazy things go on in our house so I thought I’d like to share the fun. I feel its important, for me anyway, to share the rough with the smooth for parents who are struggling. I don’t want anyone to ever look my my blog and think, ‘oh wow, she has really got things together why can’t I do that’. No one has it together all of the time. So I’m sure to show the days when I have crazy hair, no make up and my jeans are on back to front because I haven’t slept. To be fair, if I didn’t show these I’d have a pretty empty account.

I also liked the idea of a blog that touches on but does not focus on disability. This is my attempt to normalise it. Lots of people have questions they are scared to ask but by having an glimpse into our lives some may be answered. Since leaving work my blog has been a focus and an outlet for me. The way it all started, well a number of friends had said that I should go ahead and write a blog. I never felt like I had the time, I put loads of barriers up as to why I’d be awful at it. I was scared people would laugh at me.

I’d like to say I grew a pair and pulled myself together but that didn’t happen until a friend sent me a message saying that he had reserved He created my website and so I kind of just went along with it, a lot of coaching and pushing from my husband also helped.

Where can we find you?

Facebook Page:





Aberdeen City & Shire Favourites

Thing about Aberdeen City & Shire: 
I love Aberdeen. I was brought up in the city but spent so much time out in the countryside with my Dad, he and I are definitely outdoor people. One of the things I love about Aberdeen, besides the granite, is that you can go from the city centre to the countryside within 20 minutes. You don’t have to drive for hours to enjoy green open spaces. Thats what I missed when I moved away for Uni. When I married a teuchter I was delighted to move out of the city and bring our family up surrounded by animals, farming and dubs!

Thing to do: 

The first answer that comes to mind (as a mum) is SLEEP! I think my favourite thing to do in Aberdeen is meet up with friends mainly because I am not in the city centre very often any more. Coffee is always involved.

Place to Eat: 

8848 on Union Street, they serve the most amazing Nepalese and Indian food. The owners work really hard and are just the nicest people. If you haven’t been you must go!

Place to Visit: 

I think I’ll go for the Duthie park. So many wonderful memories from my childhood of visiting the ducks, cycling with friends or having November picnics in the winter gardens.

Place to Shop: 

I love Home bargains and Aldi, How boring and mumish. Clothes wise – well I don’t really go clothes shopping, there isn’t much local to me besides New Look, I generally buy clothes in supermarkets or online but I love H&M, Primark and River Island.

Any other favourites you want to mention? 

I love visiting the beach. Its such a great walk, nice wide pavement for the kids to try out bikes, walkers, powerchairs etc… So many places to eat, Sand dollar for pancakes and bacon for breakfast or Cafe Coast for lunch if the choice is mine.

More about you

Other than Aberdeen City & Shire where would you most like to live?

I used to live in Edinburgh and I loved it, we visited there last week and I still do so I think I’d probably go back there. My husband and I have often spoken about moving away to the sun but for us to move away from the UK is too scary because of our daughter’s health care requirements, we love and need the NHS!

Where in the world is on the top of your dream list to visit?

Italy, I have always wanted to go and eat my way through the countryside.

What do you love about Scotland?

Scotland is a beautiful place, I love how proud everyone is of our traditions and produce. I love a Scottish wedding, there is not another party like it!

What is your ideal holiday (with the kids):

Travelling with children, especially mine, is so stressful. We really enjoy going away with friends though. I always prefer self catering weather that be a villa abroad, a caravan or a lodge in the UK.

What is your ideal holiday (without the kids):

If my husband and I are alone with no kids it would feel like a holiday no matter where we were! We love a city break as much as a remote cabin in the back of beyond. So long as we have each other and a few bottles of red we will have a ball. If I was given a week off and a free holiday today I’d probably book a really nice villa in Spain so that we were able to relax in the sun together and we wouldn’t be too far away from home for child related emergencies.

If you could order your favourite foods, what would be your ideal 3 course meal? 

Oh this is a tough question because I love so many different foods. I’ll go for a really fresh Tomato and mozzarella salad followed by Venison with fondant potato and vegetables and for dessert…Tarte au citron. I cant get paella and sangria out of my head now though because of the last question!

Favourite film or TV programme Films: 

The Wizard of Oz or Stranger Things

What do you enjoy doing most in your spare time? 

Hmm That’s something I don’t get much of. I love making time to go for a walk, have a bath or taking my time over some thing like cooking. I love to invite friends over for food, although I don’t do it very often. I enjoy the whole process of menu planning, list making, shopping and setting the table for them. I love the preparation for an event, the lists and planning its all right up my street.

Quick fire round

Tea or Coffee? Coffee

Sweet or Savoury? Sweet

Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

Cat or Dog? Dog

Movies or TV Series? TV Series

Winter or Summer? Summer

Starter or Dessert? Dessert

Laptop or Desktop? Laptop

Apple or Samsung? Apple

City Break or Beach Holiday? Beach Holiday

Your social media faves, who are you loving:

Favourite Blog: It has to be my chum Dog house Dad! He cracks me up, his kid is too cute and his wife is awesome, I relate to their sense of humour so well. As soon as we read each others blogs we knew we were destined to be besties!

Favourite Youtube Channel: Do I only get one? I actually don’t often get the time to sit and watch as much as I’d like; I love Emily Norris and Amy Being Mum they are mums who really have their shit together!

Favourite Instagram: eeek I’m taking two for this one too! Life with munchers is a new follow for me, the pictures are so natural and beautifully done beautiful muted colours and lots of out door shots. Not about the kids is another recent follow of mine, majorly bold colour theme going on which is so striking, it looks like art to me. I think a lot of planning and effort goes into both of these which really shows!

Thanks to Linda-Jo from Mrs Madhouse for taking the time to complete our Aberdeen Blogger/Vlogger questionnaire, if you a blogger or blogger in Aberdeen City & Shire and would like to take part in our Meet the Blogger/Vlogger series drop me an email at for the questionnaire link 🙂

You can check out the Meet the Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger/Vlogger series here, with more to come!