Guest Post | See the World in Aberdeen | Aberdeen International Youth Festival

Aberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon Project

See the World in Aberdeen

Aberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon Project

Aberdeen International Youth Festival

Aberdeen International Youth Festival is a multi- arts festival that invites young people from all over the world to perform at various locations across Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland. The festival running 28th July – 5th August 2017 has multiple performances by under 25 year olds that range from Classical and Orchestral music to Dance and Theatrical Performances.

This year the festival is celebrating its 45th anniversary and since its beginning in 1973 it has hosted over 30,000 young people in what has been considered the most highly regarded gatherings of young performers in the world.

Aberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon ProjectAberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon ProjectAberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon Project
The festival is a great opportunity for young people to learn about different cultures and music from all over the world, so AIYF are running a project to engage more local young people; ‘See the World in Aberdeen’.

3D Hot Air Balloon Project

This exciting project allows young people to become part of that and get creative by making their own 3D Hot Air Balloon! The entry can be of any size or shape and can be made completely independently or as part of a team or class. The only criteria is that it is 3D (doesn’t need to work!)

All Entrants will have their work displayed in a gallery and will be in with the chance of winning some exciting prizes including water zorbing  for you and five friends and a helicopter ride. Aberdeen International Youth Festival thanks its sponsors of Lochter Activity Centre and HJS Helicopters for donating the project prizes.

We will also be putting on workshops over the Easter break to get creative and come up with some 3D Hot Air Balloon ideas! Keep your eyes peeled on the website for more information!


Aberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon ProjectAberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon Project
All 3D Hot Air Balloon designs can be handed in to Seventeen, at 17 Belmont Street and must be handed in with an application form. Aplication forms and more information can be found at AIYF’s Website:

For more information about the festival, check out:

Aberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon Project

Easter Arts & Crafts Workshops

Aberdeen International Youth Festival are hosting a series of workshops during the Easter break where young people can get creative and learn new craft skills.

Led by artists from gray’s school of art, they can explore different interactive artistic genres over the 4 days to help them create their own 3D Hot Air Balloon.  These Balloons can be used as an entry in to the project or can be taken home and used as inspiration for It!

Workshops are running:

Tuesday 4th April – Saturday 8th April

1-4pm @ Seventeen 17 Belmont Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1JR

FREE to everyone

Aberdeen International Youth Festival Hot Air Balloon Project