Drink more water
I really need to work on this to help fight off the daily headaches, to help with this I have purchased a motivational water bottle from HydrateM8, which has times on it so I can keep on track with my water intake for the day.
Complete an April Photo Challenge
I am going to take part in Fat Mum Slim’s April 2016 photo challenge, you can find my photos on my Instagram page. (Will also post a weekly round up here)
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I am behind (already!) on my 2016 goal of reading a book a month this year, currently I have finished one and started two others. I’m aiming to read at least 12 this year so I need to get a move on!
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With changes in work and family life recently our routine has taken a bit of a hit so I’m aiming to get into a better routine in April and get this blog up and running properly! (Any tips and advice welcome!)
Write up a list of 35 things to do before I’m 35
I was planning on making a 30 before 30 list but given I’m 30 in less than 3 years I’d rather create a longer list & timeframe. Any suggestions (realistic ones) welcome.