May 2016 Goals


My goals for April were:

  • Drink more water – I have been getting better at this and do find it helps reduce my headaches
  • Complete an April Photo Challenge – failed this after day 10 so currently taking part in Fat Mum Slim’s May photo challenge
  • Read More – I have managed to get more reading done starting and finishing Shopaholic & Sister. See my reading list here.
  • Blog More – I am currently working on this and have a few posts lined up
  • Write up a list of 35 things to do before I’m 35 – my post on this should be live within the next week & will link up when posted

My goals for May are:

Evening Routine

To be more organised for the next day and to try to improve my sleep I am going to work on a better evening routine, including not using my phone after 10pm in favour of reading to help wind down before bed.

Play Area for S

Currently his stuff is spread out all over the living room. I am working on re-arranging our living room so he has more of a play area which all his toys etc can be organised into.

Blogging Schedule

Furthering on from April’s goal to blog more, I am going to work on a blogging schedule so I can fit some time into my week to get blog related things done. I do love an organised diary, you should see my colour coded calendar in Outlook!

Healthy Eating

During April this has slipped and I’m the kind of person who needs something to follow or stick to or it all goes wrong so on Monday 25th April I started following Slimming World Online after finding a discount code. I am going use this to improve my eating habits and to cook more meals from scratch. You can follow progress on my separate food diary Instagram page @chelle_259sw