Our Weekend in Photos (2-3rd July 2016) | Mummy Mimi


Our weekend in photos, 2nd – 3rd July 2016…


We headed to Wynford Farm for a play in their soft play playbarn and to catch with a friend. This was the first time me and S had been there and he seemed to love it. Although he kept wanting to go and play in the over 3’s area!

(Also how cute are his Zara leggings? There are one of my favourite clothing items on S at the moment)

After a pit stop at home for lunch we headed out to the park for a quick play before the rain started. He loved this little park as everything was at hight he could manage himself. He did need a hand with the slide though as it was to wide for him to hold onto both sides.

After picking up Daddy we popped in past Dominos Pizza take advantage of one of their deals for dinner.



Sunday morning was spent food shopping at Aldi and Iceland. Then after lunch we went to meet Grandad for a walk in the park with Polly.

After getting caught in a rain shower on the way back from the park we headed home to warm up and I took the opportunity to have a cuppa and some chocolate whist S had a quick nap. The Galaxy Duet chocolate was yummy and I highly recommend it if your a chocoholic like me!


So that was our weekend, what did you get up to?

If your wondering what other bloggers have been up to during their weekends/days off, then check out the This Little Big Life linky created by Sarah and Louise.



  1. Any weekend that involves pizza is a good one! Good choice. Oh, all the park fun must be good too! #thislittlebiglife

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