Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Rachel from Word of Rachel


Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Rachel from Word of Rachel

Next up in our new blog series, Meet the Aberdeen City & Aberdeen Shire Blogger/Vlogger is Rachel from Word of Rachel



Tell us a little about you and your blog/channel:

Tell us a little about you and your blog/channel – what is about, why you started it etc: I started my blog, primarily as a beauty blog at the time, at the start of 2017. As a student, I needed an outlet for something other than my degree. However, beauty and marine biology don’t exactly go hand in hand, and I found posts where I expressed my opinions to do much better than beauty reviews. So I had a revamp and switched into the lifestyle niche! I now run a blog that covers a range of topics, and allows me creative freedom to write about whatever I want! I’m now trying to branch into YouTube, although that’s a slow work in progress…

Where can we find you?

Facebook Page:





Aberdeen City & Shire Favourites

Thing to do: Explore – getting out of the city and into Aberdeenshire opens the door to some amazing places. Getting a car was the best thing I did, as it meant I got to explore all Aberdeenshire has to offer!

Place to Eat: Number 10 – the bar area is one of my favourite places to get a drink. The whole place is a little more upmarket than other restaurants, but not so much I out of my price range!

Place to Visit: Forvie National Nature Reserve – my boyfriend is from Newburgh, and we’ve had plenty of adventures here. I’ve also visited here on many as field trip. I’ve seen the seals more times than I can count…

Place to Shop: I’m a big fan of Union Square, but I have to say Aberdeen lacks a good shopping experience as independent shops are few and far between!

Any other favourites you want to mention? I have to drop the university campus in – it’s the place I’ve spent the most time at in the 4 years I’ve lived here! Kings College is a stunning building and I’ll never not love it.

More about you

Other than Aberdeen City & Shire where would you most like to live?

It’s a split between Edinburgh and somewhere in the Highlands. Both places are beautiful and offer so much, but I have a feeling Edinburgh would be an easier place to get a job in!

Where in the world is on the top of your dream list to visit?

Bali. I’m a keen scuba diver, and it’s top of my bucket list to dive here!

What do you love about Scotland?

The attitude. I’m English, and the Scottish way of life is just so much more relaxed. I feel like the ideal political mindset of Scotland fits in better with me too.

What is your ideal holiday:

A real culture trip – somewhere with lots of historical sites and lots of hikes to areas of natural beauty. I’m a sucker for a good historical fact or a good walk.

If you could order your favourite foods, what would be your ideal 3 course meal? 

For starters, probably something like crab cakes with a sweet chilli dressing. Then steak for mains – I try to eat as meat free as possible but sometimes a girl just needs a steak! And for dessert, I once had a mango pavlova in a restaurant in Paris and if I could have that exact desert again everyday for the rest of my life, I’d be happy!

Favourite film or TV programme Films: 

I really struggle to answer this question. I do live a good superhero movie; anything by Marvel works for me, with Thor Ragnarok currently being my favourite out of those. For TV, I love historical/period dramas, so the likes of Game of Thrones, Vikings, Reign, The Tudours etc have all been his for me.

What do you enjoy doing most in your spare time? 

I spend an unhealthy amount of time playing The Sims. It’s my ultimate procrastination tool! I’m also a pretty keen sewer, although that’s an expensive hobby so I don’t do as much as I’d like to.

Quick fire round

Tea or Coffee? Coffee

Sweet or Savoury? Savoury

Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

Cat or Dog? Cat

Movies or TV Series? Movies

Winter or Summer? Summer

Starter or Dessert? Starter

Laptop or Desktop? Laptop

Apple or Samsung? Samsung

City Break or Beach Holiday? City Break

Your social media faves, who are you loving:

Favourite Blog: Is it bad to say I don’t have one? I follow a lot of bloggers and usually just read whatever seems interesting at the time! I have too many amazing bloggers to choose from!

Favourite Youtube Channel: It changes regularly! I love Jenna Marbles, but recently I’m loving Lydia Elise Millen and In The Frow!

Favourite Instagram: Again, I really don’t have one! I follow so many people that have such amazing feeds. It’s hard to pick a favourite!

Thanks to Rachel for taking the time to complete our Aberdeen Blogger/Vlogger questionnaire, if you a blogger or blogger in Aberdeen City & Shire and would like to take part in our Meet the Blogger/Vlogger series drop me an email at for the questionnaire link 🙂

You can check out the Meet the Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger/Vlogger series here, with more to come!


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