Sunshine Blogger Quiz


Sunshine Blogger Quiz

I was tagged by the lovely Faye from Glossy Tots to complete the Sunshine Blogger Quiz. Here are my answers to the questions set:

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Police Detective in CID – may have watched a bit too much of The Bill when I was younger!

How did you meet your partner?

Online through a dating app, after speaking to my hairdressing in the morning about her dating stories me and a friend joined up on the Saturday night, a couple of messages later I had arranged to meet A for a couple drinks on the Sunday evening and the rest is history – also turned out he lived about a 5 minute walk away from me so no idea how we had never bumped into each other before!

What were you afraid of as a child?

Dogs – still scared of them but getting better with Dogs since my parents now have one! (Also it turns out I’m allergic to most dogs!)

What is your favourite meal?

Pizza or Bruschetta (which I know is a starter but I like to make myself a nice big portion!)

When making a cup of tea do you put the tea or the milk in first?

Tea, always the tea! More of a coffee girl though!

What is your ideal date?

Maybe something a bit different from the usual dinner and drinks dates like go karting, ice skating etc.

Do you read the book or watch the film first?

In the past I would usually have read the book first but since having S there is rarely time to sit down and read! I did buy ‘Me Before You’ a while ago with the intention of reading it before watching the film, but I have since seen the film on Netflix with the book still unopened!

What’s your favourite childhood memory?

I’m not sure which I would pick as my favourite childhood memory but a couple pop into my head – school holidays (possibly the Easter or October holidays) one year spend with friends watching ‘Cool Runnings’ at least once a day at my friend’s house – think we knew most of the lines by the end of the holidays!

Another would be summer holidays spend hanging around our local area with a group of friends enjoying the sunshine, trips to the swimming pool and listening to music in the park.

What would your super power be?

Ability to pause time – a bit like Bernard’s Watch! More time for sleep and catching up on my never ending and ever growing to do list!

What has been your best ever holiday?

Probably best family holiday when I was younger would have been when I was 16 and went to La Pineda (near Salou in Spain) with my parents and brother – which included visiting Barcelona and attending a match at the Nou Camp. The atmosphere at the game was so different to the atmosphere at Scottish Football games and we had perfect seats for seeing all the action just a few rows back from the corner flag!


I now nominate the following the following:

And your questions are:

  1. What would be your dream job?
  2. Why did you start blogging?
  3. If you could go anywhere on holiday, where would you go?
  4. What is your favourite meal?
  5. Tea or Coffee?
  6. How many countries have you visited?
  7. iOS or Android?
  8. Favourite ‘me time’ activity?
  9. What do you think of reality TV?
  10. If you won £10m on the lottery, what would be the first things you would buy?

I look forward to reading your answers!

Sunshine Blogger Quiz Tag