Weekend Photos | Coffee, Cars & Crathes Castle


Weekend Photos | Coffee, Cars & Crathes Castle

Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th March 2017

Saturday 25th March 2017

The day started off with a trip to the gym for Mummy with a coffee stop on the way home before Daddy headed off to his gym for a workout.

Weekend Photos | Coffee Gym Nike Starbucks

The rest of the morning was taken up with a trip into town, then after lunch we headed to Granny’s house to go for a walk with Polly Dog.

Sunday 26th March 2017 | Mothers Day

The day started off with S bringing me a card and Mothers Day present of a charm for my Pandora bracelet whilst I was in bed.

Cozy Coupe fun in the Garden

We popped in past to see Granny to drop off a Mother’s Day card and chocolate whilst S had some time to play in the garden with his car.

From the number of times it needed filling up with petrol, I’d say it wasn’t very fuel efficient!

Crathes Castle, Gardens & Estate

We recently signed up for a family membership with the National Trust for Scotland, and even in the couple of weeks we have been members visited three local properties. We have yet to go into the properties due to the timings of our visits as many aren’t open until April, however members also get free parking and we will be visiting them again soon.

So on this sunny Sunday afternoon S and I headed to Crathes Castle, near Banchory Aberdeenshire, to have a walk around the gardens.

S loved the gardens, especially the ‘cute blue flowers!’

We were too busy exploring the gardens to notice the time and then realised we were locked in! Thankfully we weren’t locked in for too long as a passer by kindly informed a member of staff who came to unlock the gate!

So that was our weekend’s photos, what did you get up to this weekend?