Weekend Photos | Nuart Aberdeen, Egg Rolling & American Football


Weekend Photos | Saturday 15th – Sunday 16th April 2017

Saturday 15th April 2017

Nuart Aberdeen

In the afternoon we met up with a friend to go and explore some of the Nuart creations scattered around Aberdeen City Centre. The art adds much, arguably needed, colour to the bleak and cold grey of Aberdeen granite.

You can find various images of kilted people in various locations across the city by the street artist, Jaune.

Nuart Aberdeen City Centre Street Art Artist Jaune

This piece by Alice Pasquini was my favourite out of all the art that we seen. For those of you familiar with Aberdeen, this piece can be found on Shiprow.

There are some wee sculptures by Isaac Cordal to be found all across Aberdeen City Centre. You just have to look hard enough to spy them.

If your looking for something to do on a nice day in Aberdeen then I highly recommend having a look around the street art. You can find out more about the art and the locations over on the Nuart Aberdeen website.

Sunday 16th April 2017 – Easter Sunday

Egg Rolling

We started Easter Sunday with some egg rolling. S loved this and kept going until we heard ‘Oh no, bad shoe’ from behind the wall. Upon inspection we discovered a squished egg behind the wall!!

Aberdeen Roughnecks American Football

S’ Uncle plays for Aberdeen Roughnecks American Football team so we headed to Hazlehead Park to see their first game of the season against Glasgow Tigers, which they won 6-2.

That was our weekend photos, have you been to see any of the street art?


  1. Love some of the art, although the little sculptures look a wee bit creepy! I’ve not been into Aberdeen yet to have a look at the Nuart so will need to do that soon. Poor S squashing his egg when rolling it, that reminds me if that YouTube video from a few years back where this small kid stands on his egg & gets hysterical. I know that I shouldn’t laugh but it was really funny ?.

  2. The artwork is fab! Worth going to look around & just what’s needed in Aberdeen. It was funny, thankfully we were nearly done rolling them! It was the fact he blamed his shoe rather than the fact he was the one that stood on it! ?

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