Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Greg Who Drinks Beer


Meet Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger Greg Christie from Greg Who Drinks Beer

Next up in our new blog series, Meet the Aberdeen City & Aberdeen Shire Blogger/Vlogger is xxxx

Greg Christie


Tell us a little about you and your blog/channel: 

My blog became a natural evolution of my Instagram – for months I was posting pictures along with my thoughts on the world of beer on Instagram. After a while I felt the time was right to take it to the next level, and started my blog. After a year and a half of blogging about just beer, I felt that I had more to say, and my blog evolved into what it is today (beers, burgers  & everything else). So from then on I started sharing my thoughts on food, movies, running & just about anything else I’m interested in.

Where can we find you?

Facebook Page:



Any other links:

Aberdeen City & Shire Favourites

Thing to do: Trying out new bars/restaurants with my wife

Place to Eat: Maggies Grill

Place to Visit: Fittie – anytime I’m running at the beach I have to take a trip round there, it’s so unique!

Place to Shop: Hop Shop Aberdeen (Westhill Service Station)

Any other favourites you want to mention? Favourite bar – BrewDog Castlegate, it also has the best wings in town!

More about you

Other than Aberdeen City & Shire where would you most like to live? 

New York City – Visited it once & fell in love with it

Where in the world is on the top of your dream list to visit? 

I’d love to visit New Jersey, and take a tour of Bruce Springsteen’s old stomping grounds

What do you love about Scotland? 

It’s probably cliche – but the scenery! We are spoilt for spectacular scenery here.

What is your ideal holiday:

Travelling the USA

If you could order your favourite foods, what would be your ideal 3 course meal? 

Cheese burger, Pizza, Cheesecake

Favourite film or TV programme Films: 

Film – Jurassic Park / TV – Breaking Bad

What do you enjoy doing most in your spare time? 

Running, watching TV/movies, watching football, playing video games (i’m a big kid)…Oh, and drinking beer of course!

Quick fire round

Tea or Coffee? Coffee

Sweet or Savoury? Sweet

Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

Cat or Dog? Cat

Movies or TV Series? TV Series

Winter or Summer? Summer

Starter or Dessert? Dessert

Laptop or Desktop? Laptop

Apple or Samsung? Samsung

City Break or Beach Holiday? City Break

Your social media faves, who are you loving:

Favourite Blog: is one I have been enjoying lately. They combine two of my favourite things – Craft beer & pizza!

Favourite Youtube Channel: Completed It Mate – Jay from The Inbetweeners video game related channel

Favourite Instagram: is a NYC based brewery that I hope sooner or later make their beers more available over here. They post awesome pictures, and have such cool can designs.

Others Favourites: Aberdeen based blogs are probably Dinner Stories & Just Julia. Aberdeen street artist Justin Lawrie (Honk) is also incredibly talented. And a final shoutout to the Creative Me Aberdeen podcast, hosted by Ica Headlam

Anything else you’d like to add: The severe lack of male bloggers in Aberdeen…where are they?!

Thanks to Greg for taking the time to complete our Aberdeen Blogger/Vlogger questionnaire, if you a blogger or blogger in Aberdeen City & Shire and would like to take part in our Meet the Blogger/Vlogger series drop me an email at for the questionnaire link 🙂

You can check out the Meet the Aberdeen City & Shire Blogger/Vlogger series here, with more to come!